Anyone who knows Arturo Fuente can tell just by looking that these are AF cigars — more precisely, they are like tobacco cannons, loaded to the ends with tasty flavor.
Incorporating genuine, hard-to-come-by, sweet-yet-spicy Cameroonian wrappers, these mild-to-medium-strength, full-bodied sticks feature aged Dominican fillers and a Dominican binder, producing well-constructed, supremely balanced, smooth-drawing, mellow sticks with a generous burn time and copious production of heavy white smoke.
Once lit, over time, their toasty, nutty, cedary cores give way to creamy, gentle hints of spice, cocoa, fruit and cinnamon.
These are cigars that pair well with a lazily sipped morning or evening beverage. Packaged in a Spanish cedar cabinet box, they’re perfect if you need to take a gloriously protracted, indulgent break from the rest of the world.