Embodying the true Arturo Fuente style of cigar-making, Cañones Maduro sticks are like tobacco cannons, loaded with flavor.
Dark and attractive, these superbly constructed, well-balanced cigars feature a rustic, toothy, genuine Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper surrounding Dominican fillers and a Dominican binder. Medium-strength and medium-bodied, they lack harshness, but still possess enough complexity to intrigue even experienced smokers.
A toasty, nutty, earthy core gives way to creamy, gentle spice notes, with a floral quality that slowly turns into chocolate, sweet cream, charred cedar, vanilla and almond. The finish is nutty and cedary, with a gentle hint of licorice.
These are excellent cigars for an evening of poker, or for a long, hot summer night. Packaged in a Spanish cedar box, they age well if kept in a 70% humidity environment.