While the names of Drew Estate’s Liga Privada Único cigars may vary, what these smokes all share is that they’re limited-edition, flavor-packed, and exceptional in taste. This particular stick, the inimitably named Ratzilla, gets its moniker from the fact that it’s significantly larger and thicker than its cousin, the Único Dirty Rat. Measuring six and a quarter inches in length, with a ring gauge of 46, the Ratzilla is most definitely not a cigar for amateurs.
Corona Gordo-sized, with a flag-tip head and an oily, almost black Habano-seed wrapper hailing from the Connecticut River Valley, these tightly rolled, full-bodied, medium-strength sticks also feature a Brazilian binder, in addition to no less than five distinct, well-aged Honduran and Nicaraguan filler tobaccos. Potent with a hint of sweetness, these sticks exhibit intense notes of incense, red and black pepper, dark chocolate, malt, cream, coffee, sour citrus, rye, cinnamon, black walnuts, and rock candy atop woody, earthy, and nutty essences.
Rawr! Are you looking for a hulking monster Liga Privada smoke to put a memorable dent in your day? If so, consider picking up a box of 10 Ratzillas today, and get ready to breathe fire!