In 2010, Cigar Aficionado chose this vitola, the Belicoso XXX of the famed Opus X line, as the third-best cigar of the year, according it an exceptional 95 rating. In the meantime, the Opus X line itself has been ranked in the magazine’s Top 25 Cigars list an unprecedented 10 times (achieving a second-place ranking as recently as 2020), helping to keep Arturo Fuente one of the most formidable names in the cigar business.
While the story of the Opus X may be familiar to cigar lovers of all stripes (the Opus X was the first “puro” all-Dominican cigar to feature a shade-grown Cuban-seed wrapper, making it a world-class stick that was able to compete — and even beat — any smoke on the market from anywhere else), not everyone has had the opportunity to try these cigars as they’ve been hard to acquire (to say the least) since their introduction in 1995.
While the Belicoso XXX — also referred to by its nicknames “Triple X,” “Power Ranger” and “X3” — is one of the shortest Opus X vitolas, it’s also one of the most full-strength, full-bodied and powerful — and this is in a line that’s already known for its signature intensity.
Flawlessly constructed, easily drawing and incorporating earthy, leathery, nutty and implacably spicy flavors, the red peppery finish of this cigar contains more than a few sweet hints of honey and Scotch whiskey.
This is not a cigar for the faint of heart; even experienced smokers have remarked on its kick. But if you’re looking for a stimulating, quick hit of something potent, this stick will surely fit the bill.