In many ways, the legendary “puro” Dominican Opus X re-established the Arturo Fuente brand on the world stage and launched the next phase of the Fuente story for new generations of cigar lovers. Even more so, it literally changed the cigar industry and forced the cognoscenti to recognize the Dominican Republic as a country that could compete with any other in the world in terms of the fertility of its soils, the microclimate of its growing regions and the creativity of its new school of cigar producers. The Opus X was the first smoke to use Cuban-seed wrapper shade-grown in the Dominican Republic.
Smoothness, boldness and fullness became the watchwords for the Opus X family of cigars. Opus X releases are consistently rated 90 and up by Cigar Aficionado higher and more often (an unheard-of 130 times, with a top rating of 97 — a number which has been achieved by less than a dozen sticks in the magazine’s history) than any other family of cigars. The Opus X line won the publication’s Cigar of the Year award in 2005 and ranked on its Top 25 list an incredible 10 times — as high as second-place in 2020. These smokes are considered by many to be the ones that all others in the modern era are measured by.
The Super Belicoso vitola of the Opus X is a full-strength, full-bodied, Figurado cigar that’s astoundingly flavorful and stunningly complex, featuring a Dominican binder and Dominican fillers, along with the famous Cuban-seed wrapper cultivated in the volcanic soils of the Chateau de la Fuente estate, located in the island nation’s Bonao Valley. The inimitable taste and flawless construction of the Super Belicoso led Cigar Aficionado to accord it a 94 rating and 13th-place ranking on the Top 25 Cigars of the Year list in 2013 (a note of interest: 13 was the lucky number of late Fuente family patriarch Don Carlos Fuente Senior).
Flavors of these smokes include leather, earth, cedar, clove and creamy espresso, with traces of blackcurrant, honeycake, nuts and citrus making themselves known to the discerning palate. There’s a core sweetness and spiciness that’s found in the best of strong cigars; experienced smokers will find them absolutely irresistible.