In 1994, in the middle of the modern era’s most recent memorable cigar boom, a small, respected, but otherwise unremarkable Miami-based maker of cigars called Padrón did something extraordinary to commemorate the 30th anniversary of its founding. Firm founder José Orlando Padrón and his sons decided to release a very special ultra-premium line of smokes using the very finest tobaccos they could locate in Nicaragua. Each painstakingly selected component of these sticks was aged for a minimum of four years. The construction of these cigars was immaculate.
Upon the release of these exceptional smokes to the marketplace, the reaction was greater than anything the Padróns could have imagined. Almost overnight, Padrón was catapulted into the top tier of cigar makers, and its reputation and respectability have only risen from there. Today, Padrón is the most esteemed name in the cigar industry, having racked up more accolades in the last two decades than any other producer.
The line of smokes that put them on the map is this one — the 1964 Anniversary series, and this vitola — the Padrón 1964 Anniversary Soberano in a Natural wrapper — is a perfect example of what makes Padrón so esteemed. Enclosed in a square-shaped aluminum tube, the softly box-pressed Padrón 1964 Soberano possesses a silky chocolate-colored wrapper, a wonderfully even draw and burn and copious output of sweet, spicy smoke. A core of chocolate, espresso, nuts and black pepper accompanies hints of leather, almonds, wood and graham crackers, topped with a minty, toasty finish.
Cigar Aficionado accorded this stick a 90 rating four times — once in 2022, once in 2021 and twice in 2019. With consistency like that (not to mention in its manufacturing), Padrón can’t help but be the most revered brand in the cigar business. Pick up a box of Anniversary Soberano Naturals today, and see for yourself why the firm’s quality is so legendary and everlasting.