The Oliva family of cigars is known the world over for its impeccable quality and craftsmanship. The exquisite Oliva Serie V Melanio is no exception, reaching such lofty heights as Cigar Aficionado’s Cigar of the Year in 2014.
The Oliva Serie V Melanio does not disappoint. These hand-rolled beauties are made from the Oliva family’s finest tobaccos; cured, blended, and rolled in the techniques that have built a dynasty. The full flavor of this exalted smoke has a velvety texture that ribbons among your taste buds and stays flavorful as the last whisp leaves your lips.
Expertly hand-rolled in a gorgeously dark, oiled Sumatra leaf, is an amazingly flavorful fusion of long leaf Nicaraguan filler ligeros for a strong, lengthy burn time. The palate is a subtle blend of coca, crusty, baked bread, pepper, and soft hints of creamed coffee.